This web site is a source of information about the impact of adrenal gland health and a point of contact for advice.
Healthier, Happier, Stronger
For most people we waken, we move, we think, we function and that’s life, a series of interactions and events facilitated wholly by the bodies we are born into. This usually stays constant for the rest of our existence forgiving the odd hiccup here and there. For some people though including myself life can be much more difficult.
My name is Michael Mullan I have worked within healthcare for 24 years teaching and educating physicians from both primary and secondary care disciplines. For most of that time I was ill suffering from what I now know to be adrenal fatigue leading to adrenal dysfunction. Many factors can cause this fatigue and adrenal dysfunction, but impaired adrenals sustain ill health and until they are cared for, nothing will remedy. This is a condition refuted by some Western Healthcare Physicians but believe me it is very real and becoming more and more common.
Why did I think there was something wrong with me?
For years I suffered from an inconsistency of personality and performance. As I mentioned I have worked in healthcare for 24 years, I also have a diploma in nutrition, been a member of the ABPI since 1997 and 2.1 Hons degree in a health science from a very reputable university. I could not understand it.
Usually, I would start the day feeling tired regardless of the amount of sleep I got and as the day progressed, I would feel more tired both mentally and physically and I would struggle to put one thought in front of the other. Most days my thought process would become totally depreciated and I would feel socially awkward. Some days were worse than others and what I ate and the amount I exercised seemed to have a direct effect on my performance. I know this sounds like classic hypoglycaemia, but my blood sugars were always fine clinically, I was totally PERPLEXED! Add into this food intolerances craving for carbs and caffeine, poor sleep , sluggish mornings and a racing heart rate.
I suffered with these inconsistencies for 20 years which forbade me from being the person that I knew I could and should be. It stopped me from realising my full personality and robbed me of years of fun and happy memories with family and friends. I knew I was not feeling how I should but could not understand why. Over the years I sought help from numerous health care professionals including general practitioners, endocrinologists, cardiologists, diabetes experts, psychiatrists, neurologists and various others only to be told clinical tests came back normal, this is very common with people with adrenal fatigue and dysfunction.
Through my own research and studying and luckily talking to the right people I was able to make myself healthy again and normalise my being. I really do not want anyone to suffer how I did, and my mission is to help people with my symptoms get better as affordably as possible. Honestly, I have been through this and come out the other side. It is not easy and by no means is it an overnight fix, it takes time and discipline and whole changes in your lifestyle as even the slightest deviation can set you back.